Sorry, if the title annoyed you. Due to my being very prone to appreciating logics and logical conversation, the idea of God is very different.

Though you cannot explain God in logics, I understand. But, My annoyance comes to surface only when I question myself, “Why people reply with following line if somebody asks them about how they are: Allah/Bhagwan ka karam hai (God is blessing)?”

See, if you are a believer,asumingly, there should never be a difference of opinion for you on the thought: Allah/Bhagwan ka karam hai (God is blessing).
Then why do you feel like saying it? Do you want to ensure (presumably undeniable) the fact? If so, you may have a doubt somewhere upon His blessings. If somebody has asked you about how you are, you need to let them know how you are. The questioner is not asking for a reply that everybody knows – he want to know how are you feeling. You should answer: I am good/perfect/so so/not good/feeling tired/very happy etc.

I do also have another complain about people using the word ‘God’ extravagantly. For me, if you know a tiny bit of what God maybe, you won’t use the word with this much frequency. What I am saying has a reason, you start getting to know God in very inexplainable feeling (a very very blissful feeling), I feel it when my mind gets silenced for the few blissful moments. Therefore, I value silence a lot more than words that explain what God maybe like. Silence tells you more than what words try to explain. Therefore, whenever somebody uses the word a lot, I feel pity for the individual and it annoys me that when people don’t know what God is, why the hell they use it – just because it’s fed into their brains?

I remember the last time I used the word a lot was to only solace someone who looked in much trouble. No doubt, the God-word gives you extra solace because of our understanding of Him as ‘big’,very big.

Whatever religious belief you belong to, I am not against it. But, be a little reasonable in everything you believe. And for the ‘God’ word case, use it only when you feel it’s logically ok to use it.

Date: 4th August, 2017
Age: 25
Place: Tiger Tower, Marina, Dubai.

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