Teach your child to note their questions

I would recommend every parent to have your child write a diary of questions. We have seen parents suggesting children to write everything in their diaries. But what I think is they should ask them to write every type of questions they come across and ask parents, teachers or elders for their answers. When they are answered and if satisfied, they should write the answer.

Such activity will help them become critical thinkers.

The most annoying word: God

Sorry, if the title annoyed you. Due to my being very prone to appreciating logics and logical conversation, the idea of God is very different.

Though you cannot explain God in logics, I understand. But, My annoyance comes to surface only when I question myself, “Why people reply with following line if somebody asks them about how they are: Allah/Bhagwan ka karam hai (God is blessing)?”

See, if you are a believer,asumingly, there should never be a difference of opinion for you on the thought: Allah/Bhagwan ka karam hai (God is blessing).
Then why do you feel like saying it? Do you want to ensure (presumably undeniable) the fact? If so, you may have a doubt somewhere upon His blessings. If somebody has asked you about how you are, you need to let them know how you are. The questioner is not asking for a reply that everybody knows – he want to know how are you feeling. You should answer: I am good/perfect/so so/not good/feeling tired/very happy etc.

I do also have another complain about people using the word ‘God’ extravagantly. For me, if you know a tiny bit of what God maybe, you won’t use the word with this much frequency. What I am saying has a reason, you start getting to know God in very inexplainable feeling (a very very blissful feeling), I feel it when my mind gets silenced for the few blissful moments. Therefore, I value silence a lot more than words that explain what God maybe like. Silence tells you more than what words try to explain. Therefore, whenever somebody uses the word a lot, I feel pity for the individual and it annoys me that when people don’t know what God is, why the hell they use it – just because it’s fed into their brains?

I remember the last time I used the word a lot was to only solace someone who looked in much trouble. No doubt, the God-word gives you extra solace because of our understanding of Him as ‘big’,very big.

Whatever religious belief you belong to, I am not against it. But, be a little reasonable in everything you believe. And for the ‘God’ word case, use it only when you feel it’s logically ok to use it.

Date: 4th August, 2017
Age: 25
Place: Tiger Tower, Marina, Dubai.

Fear of Death

Whenever I think of this aspect: death, I start feeling worried. I seem to start feeling seconds ticking. On top of it, my inability to stop myself going towards death makes the fear more painful. Its like seeing yourself falling from a top floor of some building. I am 25 only now and like a falling man, the fear will increase as I will be older (as falling man gets near to ground).
I contemplated on fear of death for a while today. I said to myself, “what are you gonna do, when something will certainly happen: no matter whatever you do to stop it”.
I felt bit relaxed because it is an stupidity to feel worried about something that WILL happen. Instead, I started thinking about doing something significant before dying. And along with it, I tried guessing what nature wants us humans do while we are alive. It somehow neared me to an answer by looking at work of past humans in general: they all are evolving (towards betterment). So it gave a purpose than fearing: evolve not fear.

Date: 29th March, 2017
Age: 25
Place: Tiger Tower, Dubai Marina, Dubai, UAE